The year-end party of the Ohteki lab was held (→ album)
佐瀬美和子さんらの論文が、Developmental Cellに掲載されました。プレスリリースはこちら。
Miwako Sase et al.'s paper was published in Developmental Cell. Click here for the press release. Click here for EurekAlert!
金山剛士准教授が、第3回日本医学会連合Rising Starリトリート優秀賞、第19回麒麟塾麒麟児賞を受賞しました。
Associate Professor Masashi Kanayama received the 3rd Japan Federation of Medical Societies Rising Star Retreat Excellence Award and the 19th Kirin Juku Kirinji Award.
秋山めぐみさん、金山剛士准教授の論文が、Frontiers in Immunologyに掲載されました。プレスリリースはこちら。
Megumi Akiyama and Masashi Kanayama's paper was published in Frontiers in Immunology.
Dr. Fumiko Ozaki (Assistant Professor), Mr. Kenta Hata (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, PhD course), and Mr. Hiroki Yotsumata (Master's course) joined our lab.
We had a farewell lunch for Ms. Akiyama and Mr. Nakagawa (doctoral students) (→Album).
One essay has been added.