We had a farewell lunch for Mr. Shiseki (technical assistant), thank you for 10 years (→Album).
Ohteki Lab is recruiting an assistant professor and a technical assistant (→Recruitment).
Assistant Professor Masashi Kanayama was promoted to Associate Professor.
A party was held to congratulate Associate Professor Taku Sato on his appointment as a professor at Nippon Medical School (→Album).
Assistant Professor Masashi Kanayama was selected for JST PRESTO (Aging).
Associate Professor Taku Sato was elected as a professor at Nippon Medical School, School of Medicine (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology).
Yuki Yamada (master's course), Joh Tohnai (doctoral course, Jichi Medical University), and Takako Akashi (technical assistant) joined us.
Yuta Izumi finished the doctoral course, Eriko Ohashi and Mai Nakagawa completed the master's course, and Toyoki Hayashi (technical assistant) completed his term of office.
樗木らの国際共同提言(プラズマサイトイド樹状細胞は自然リンパ球である)第2報がNat Rev Immunol誌に掲載されました。
The second report of the international collaborative proposal 'Reclassification of pDCs as innate lymphocytes was published in Nat Rev Immunol.
金山剛士くんの論文がJournal of Experimental Medicineに掲載されました。プレスリリースはこちら。
Masashi Kanayama's paper was published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine. Click here to see the press release.